Stages of Formation

"To discover the will of God is simple and complicated, bright and dark, painful and pleasant, natural and wonderful at the same time according to circumstances.  And so we must not be simplistic, but neither should we get involved in exasperating and tormenting uncertainty.  Rather we have to be prudent, to examine ourselves, to pray and seek advice and then make a decision in faith."

                                                                                                                                                                  Blessed Fr. James Alberione



The first stage of formation is called "Postulancy."


The development and stability of the Institute depends greatly on a careful selection of candidates and so a period of postulancy is necessary.


Potential members of the Institute must be Catholics able to carry out Institute work, having a right intention and a sincere desire to attain perfect charity by following the practice of the Evangelical Counsels and permanently dedicating her life to the apostolate.


Postulancy is for a period of at least six months.



The next stage is "Novitiate."


Institute life begins with the Novitiate whose purpose is to ensure that the novices:

become aware of their divine vocation

get accustomed to the Institute lifestyle and its special apostolate

are examined in regards to their suitability and real intentions


The one responsible for the formation of the novices is the Provincial Delegate.  He can be aided by a member of the group who is distinguished for prudence, charity, and piety, so as to carry out worthily her delicate educative mission.


On her entrance to the Novitiate and after a course of Spiritual Exercises promoted by the Institute, the novice will receive a copy of the statutes, so that, having carefully examined it, she can see if she is in the will of God.


During the novitiate the novice everday:

will take part in the Eucharistic Celebration of the Mass

will meditate on the Word of God and on the Founder's writings

will pray the Liturgy of the Hours(Morning and Evening Prayer)

will recite the Holy Rosary

will make the Visit to the Blessed Sacrament

will make an examination of conscience to better understand herself and her relationship with God


During the month:

will receive at least twice the Sacrament of Reconciliation

will study more deeply the documents of the Magisterium of the Church

will take part in the Day of Recollection

will allow time for study

will submit to the Provincial Delegate a report on how her formative journey is going


The time of Novitiate is calculated from the moment the novices are registered in the Novitiate Register and it lasts for two years.


For special reasons it may be prolonged by the Provincial Delegate but not for more than one year.



"Temporary Profession of the Evangelical Counsels"


For the first three years the Evangelical Counsels are professed annually.


Then they are made for a two-year period.


For particular reasons the Superior General of the Society of St. Paul may prolong the period of Temporary Profession for

another two years.


Members who have made temporary profession of the Evangelical Counsels are free to renew their profession or not.  If they do not desire to renew them they shouuld convey this in writing to the Provincial Delegate at least two months before their commitment is due to expire.


At this stage for just reasons the member may not be allowed to renew the Evangelical Counsels by the Provincial Superior or be admitted to "Perpetual Profession."


If the member is approved and accepted after Temporary Profession the member will then be accepted to Final Profession.



Finally: "Perpetual Profession"


After the period of Temporary Profession is complete and the member is accepted to final profession, the member then completes her

formational journey by her "Perpetual Profession."