The Pauline Family Prayer

We would like to ask you to take a moment and join us in Prayer for the Apostolate of the means of Social Communication.

God, to communicate your love

to men and women,

you sent your only Son Jesus Christ

into the world and made him our Master,

the Way and Truth and Life of humanity.

Grant that the media of social

communication-press, films, radio,

television, recordings, internet

and all audio visuals-

may always be used for your glory and

the good of all.


Raise up vocations for this multi-media

apostolate, and inspire all people

of good will to contribute with prayer,

action and offerings, so that through these

means the Church may preach the Gospel

to all peoples. Amen.



So, if you are discerning God's call to a vocation within a Secular Institute in the Catholic Church, you may want to consider taking a look at the

Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation.



Some suggested reading:


James Alberione: Apostle of Our Times  by Luigi Rolfo

Discernment: Acquiring the Heart of God  by Marko Ivan Rupnik

Discerning the Will of God  by Timothy Gallagher

Discernment of Spirits   by Timothy Gallagher



If you like to surf the web you might want to Google:


Father James Alberione (1884-1971), 27 April 2003, biography



Thank you for visiting with The Institute of Our Lady of the Annunciation.



The disciples heard what Jesus said and then started to follow Him.  Jesus turned round, saw them following and said,

"What do you seek?"  They answered, 'Rabbi' - which means Teacher - 'where are you staying?' 

Jesus replied, "Come and see,"  so they went and followed Him

                                                                                                                                       The Gospel of John 1:37-39